
Tip 1: The Key to Creative Writing

Creative Writing is one of the most fulfilling elements in my life.  The objective of my blog is to connect with writers and poets in a way that encourages and inspires them to take your creative thoughts and inspirations to the next level.  Taking your writing to the next level can sometimes be a real  challenge.  It’s known as writer’s block and fear is its commanding officer.  I, myself, often struggle with writer’s block, sometimes even within the first sentence of a new project.  Although it’s common do not allow the frustration of these moments to trap you into feeling like a victim.  Rise above the victimization.  Step away from the computer or piece of paper.  Take a deep breath and refocus your thoughts on what inspired you in the first place.  When it’s all said and done you will produce a piece of work you can feel proud of.

My efforts to encourage and inspire you will be delivered via tips and ideas – they are by no means a set of rules because when rules are introduced into creative writing and/or poetry then your writing turns into a restrained effort driven by conscious principles.  The minute this occurs your writing should be laid to rest.

Tip 1:

Let your creativity flow free with the mysterious meandering of your mind.  Capturing the tone of your mind’s images and emotions are the key to creative writing.

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