In a time and place where segregation exhaled as an unnatural paradox between innocence and prejudice, thirteen-year-old Mississippi twins Jimmy and Billy McGee are forced to choose between a friend’s personal safety or failing in the most important event in their young lives: winning a baseball game.
As if the anticipations of puberty weren’t enough of a preoccupation, the lessons they learn and the bonds they forge through one simple yet extraordinary act of humanity will permanently shape the lives of the twins and their band of young friends through a war, love and eventually hate and betrayal.
Book 1 – The Diamond Thieves
Our story begins on the twin’s thirteenth birthday as their friends are challenged by their cross-town enemies, “the mob”, for the domain of their baseball diamond. Teamed up with an entertaining cast of unique friends, the twins are determined to maintain rule over their territory. There’s just one major dilemma, the boy’s friend, and a star player on their team, T.J., is black. The boys are faced with a difficult decision that will shape their young lives and how they are perceived by their friends, family and the entire community.
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