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High School


The Extra Innings Trilogy’s Target Market

The EXTRA INNINGS Trilogy Target Market:

Young Adults (ages 16-28 females and males) who are in High School or are, at least, High School educated in the United States. Primary interests include staying active, family-oriented, social disorganization in communities, social prejudice and environmental racism in America with a particular focus on the United States Deep South.

Secondary Target Market includes family-oriented adults who grew up in the United States during the Cold War period with at least a high school education.

Genre:  Historical Fiction

THE TRILOGY Breakdown:

BOOK 1:     The Diamond Thieves (AVAILABLE NOW on this site or at, and   Send you reviews to PLEASE)

Book 2:       Race of the Gemini

BOOK 3:     A Hero Among Thieves

I will be submitting this along with my marketing plan to Barnes and Noble stores next week!   Bookstores are usually supportive of local artists.  My goal is to get this into stores nationwide.  Currently, The Diamond Thieves is available via their website (see above).


Chapter 7 Summary (The Diamond Thieves)

It’s too “daggone” hot outside for baseball. So the boys head over to the Drug Store Soda Fountain for some ice cream. There they learn from High School hot-shot Tommy Lee Mason that “the mob” has been secretly sending a spy to the diamond to report back news on the weak spots in the boys playing.